Grsync automated
Grsync automated



The project is in a highly active stage of development, having achieved full bootstrap with the LLVM toolchain and integration of our home grown tooling, boulder and moss.


Any freshly installed software is immediately available giving you the flexibility of traditional package management and the peace of mind of atomic updates. With deduplicated on-disk transactions, the last working version of your system is only a reboot away. Whether you're a Linux professional or a home user, Serpent OS has something for you. Stateless by design with atomic updates at the core, Serpent OS aims to close the gap between development and production. Serpent OS strives to provide the perfect hybrid experience - a traditional, package management driven Linux distribution powered by the latest technologies. Serpent is a relatively young project which has some big goals in mind: I went browsing through my backlog of Linux distributions I want to try and, this week, Serpent OS rose to the top of the list. New distributions: FlickOS, Parch Linux, Xenia Linux, AxOS, Liya.Opinion poll: Favourite file copying tools.Released last week: Qubes OS 4.1.2, Kali Linux 2023.1, Murena 1.9, SystemRescue 10.00.Questions and answers: Replacing the scp utility.News: Canonical offers "Pro" support for aging Ubuntu 18.04, openSUSE sees surge in downloads, Debian runs election with one potential Project Leader.Review: Serpent OS, Security Onion 2.3, and Gentoo Live.We wish you all a wonderful week and happy reading! We're also pleased to list the new releases of the past week and share the torrents we are seeding. This week we added five young projects to our waiting list. We also report on Debian's upcoming Project Leader election and mention a surge in openSUSE downloads. In our News section we talk about Ubuntu 18.04 nearing the end of its supported life and Canonical's plan to offer longer, "Pro" support for this aging version of their distribution. We also provide a quick overview of Gentoo's fresh Live edition which runs the KDE Plasma desktop. Serpent OS and Security Onion have been on our waiting list for a while and we take a peek at these. First though, we take quick looks at a few young projects. Do you use any of these tools, or graphical front-ends for these utilities? If so, let us know in this week's Opinion Poll.

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In our Questions and Answers section this week we talk about various tools we can use to securely copy files between computers, including scp, rsync, and sftp. There are a lot of different applications and approaches we can use to perform common tasks. The open source community provides a buffet of options for virtually every situation, task, and system configuration.

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Welcome to this year's 12th issue of DistroWatch Weekly!

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