Exit the gungeon walkthrough
Exit the gungeon walkthrough

There are also some slow charge weapons like Bubble Blaster, but these really do not fit like they did in the original game, as they take way too long to charge and fire in a fast paced game like this. These range from basic pellet style guns to grenade launchers and even weird weapons like ones that shoot music notes or arrows to damage the enemy. Talking more about the types of weapons available themselves, you will find countless weapons at your disposal in Exit the Gungeon. The default method the game teaches you for dodging and jumping with A and B instead of L and ZL can be difficult to pull off easily with the controls required to shoot, but the alternate controls work well together in a bumper jumper style. Holding down R is definitely the best method here for each weapon, especially with some of them being charge weapons. This streak also plays into how much money you get at the end of every area as well.Įach of these weapons are fired in the exact same way, with you aiming with the right analog stick and pressing R to fire. It is possible to enhance your chances of getting better weapons by not getting hit, as your active combo streak of not getting hit is tallied over time in the top right corner of the screen and betters your chances of getting good weapons when it randomizes. There are tons of different weapons in the game to use, with the ones you are given in the game being completely at random from start to finish. It’s not just enemies and level design that are random, but the most important randomized part of Exit the Gungeon are the weapons themselves. Even so, there are still incredibly frustrating moments where the screen is covered in projectiles that are near impossible to avoid later in your run. This was even worse on the iOS release, so it’s at least better to have more intuitive controls on the Nintendo Switch. With the limited screen space in the 2D plane, these can often get very tough to dodge at times. Most enemies are not only trying to hit you with themselves, but also tossing out projectiles for you to dodge on the screen.

exit the gungeon walkthrough

There’s a reason the first game was known as a bullet hell shooter and Exit the Gungeon is no different. In addition, you can also dodge upwards and downwards on the various platforms to either avoid damage by pressing B or ZL. The latter can be done with your trusty dodge roll technique by pressing A or L, which can be used to move through bullets and other obstacles without taking damage. Regardless of the level design, your goal in each stage is to take out each of the spawning enemies and avoid taking damage in the meantime. You can even change characters from the hub area, though they all play exactly the same.

exit the gungeon walkthrough exit the gungeon walkthrough

This means you never know what to expect on any given run, which makes the game one of those you can jump into anytime and get a different experience. Just like the original, Exit the Gungeon is a roguelike game in that the level designs and enemies are random as you continually take the elevator to the top. After a quick tutorial section that teaches the mechanics, you are thrust right into the game itself, which is a long running sequence that has you fighting for your life against a barrage of different enemies. Exit the Gungeon starts with your character being told that the Gungeon is collapsing and your only way out is up.

Exit the gungeon walkthrough